Monday, October 17, 2011

flying south little bird, then join the FLOCK here...

It's had a tough year in Christchurch but they're definitely finding their feet again, which is fantastic:)
Our stockist FLOCK in Sumner, having managed to stay open through most of the shakes, is celebrating the arrival of lots of lovely new season summer clothing (including yours truly of course, emma) and gorgeous gifts!
Well worth the drive out their way and well worth your support ( and there's even an Emma in residence so you'll really feel at home)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Word on the street...

is emma!
Ok so it's not just about us but there's loads of talk out there about the new gals (and guys) on upper Cuba Street.
It was lovely to have Bel pop in and have a chat about our new shop and I hope it inspires you to get out and take a bite of our gorgeous capital city!!
If you haven't checked out her blog site now's the time blossom...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

loving them lightbulbs...

Just look, aren't they cool! These Plumen low energy lightbulbs first caught my eye on that ever-inspiring blog Fancy! just about the time I was starting to work on our new Cuba St shop, it felt like perfect timing and it was. So after a day deliberating over cord lengths and hook positions with Steve (awesome sparky) we have light! Come on in to 268 for a closer look:)
p.s. we're in good company Plumen just created an amazing light installation at London Fashion Week , jealous.